Personal banking / Loans





You wish to make ends meet at the end of the month? Acquire an asset, even own your own housing?



The BCI offers you a large range of loans which can be, according to your needs, a form of advance on your salary, consumer credit or mortgages.


A. Advance on your salary

To deal with your temporary and immediate cash flow difficulties, the BCI offers you an overdraft facility which allows your account to be overdrawn for a few days a month.

B. Personnel loans or consumer credit

You are an employee and you wish to obtain liquidity in order to make a specific purchase or face unforeseen expenses.

The BCI grants you loans based on your monthly income.

All you have to do is to organize a domiciliation of your salary and/or any other documents which justify your financial resources.

Other proof may also be requested if necessary in order to obtain a mortgage.


For further information please go to your nearest agency.



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